Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dyer lane hauntings - The background

The supernatural and paranormal have been an interest of mine for most of my life. With the shows on cable, my interest has grown. Leading me and some family members on a "ghost hunt" down a nearby county road that is "haunted".

If you Google "Haunted Sacramento", Dyer lane will come up on a website stating it is one of the top 10 most haunted places in Sacramento. There have been a few local paranormal investigation groups that have "investigated" Dyer Lane and one guy that posted a video complete with an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon). The video is about 7 minutes he drives all but the last minute and comments how "creepy and abandoned" the road is. There are lots of stories about what people have experienced on Dyer Lane, but almost no documentation. The local investigators claim to have EVPs and lots of pictures of "orbs" and "creepy" trees from their investigation.

  • According to local legend Dyer Lane has been a scene of KKK meetings and rumored lynching in the '30s.

  • In the '50s there was supposedly a fatal car crash involving a police officer.

  • In 1972 there was according to local report a race between a GTO and a Duster. The driver of the GTO missed the 90 degree turn and crashed into a tree. He was ejected through the front windshield and died when his head impacted the tree.

  • In the 1990s the was an actual murder that is documented. It was gang related and racially charged. According to the Placer County Sheriff, the victim was shot and dumped in front of one of the driveways.

There are also stories about Native American encampment along Dry Creek that runs just south of Dyer Lane. This is the information you will find if you look up Dyer Lane on the Internet. Most of this is urban legend and completely unverified.

Having had actual paranormal experiences myself and having seen some of the "evidence" presented, I am at the least skeptical of some of their findings. Most "orbs" can easily be disregarded as refractions from dust, insect, lens flare, or reflections of something total normal and organic. EVPs are "voices" that is heard on a recording that were not audible at the time it was recorded. Some of these come through clear and clean, others need some "cleaning" and a suggestion of what was said.

So on a warm summer night in July, my niece, nephew, son-in-law and myself set out to investigate the ghosts of Dyer Lane. When you first turn onto Dyer Lane, it appears no different than any other county road. That's because it really isn't any different. The lane turns off of Watt ave. and runs west then makes a 90 degree left turn and becomes Tan road. Tan road runs south and makes a 90 degree right turn and becomes Kassner road that runs west and then makes one last 90 degree left turn to become 16th street. All along the road the is trash and debris. Due to it's close proximity to more populated areas, people use it to dump garbage because it's remote and is lightly traveled. It has the usual old barbed wire fence, some cattle and a few collapsing buildings. But there are still residents of Dyer lane that are very much alive. Contrary to postings about it being abandoned.


  1. My friend and I were taking a drive down some remote, scary creepy texas roads one night and we got on the topic of out mothers and the kooky things they believe. He told me to google Dyer lane .. I have to say, I am not much of a supernatural person... Interesting stories, however id Dyer lane were haunted because of a very few bad happenings, then The BronX, South Central, Compton and Harlem, should be over run with these supernatural stories... anyway, just making a statement, I thought your blog post was great though

  2. I lived in North Highlands and grew up there and graduated from Highlands in 1982. We would go down there it was better know as Lover's Lane. We'd turn off the headlights and drive real slow one night i swear i saw a girl in a white night gown run across the road yet when the lights flipoed on she was no where to be found. There were no houses out there just broken down ones not livable in the early 80's. I tell you that road was scary and i believe haunted

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i went down dyers lane and my dad and some friends had to call 911 cause i almost died from walking along side the car.... ITS TERRIFING
